Temitope Ogunniyi on The Teachers’ Lounge

Welcome to another exciting interview on The Teachers’ Lounge.

Introducing our fourth guest on The Teachers’ Lounge. She is such an engaging and exciting personality. The founder of Emerald Edge Consults and the creator of the recently launched African Teachers Voice (ATV). You would certainly love to read about her.

Q1. Your name, where and what you teach.

A1. Temitope Ogunniyi, Explorer Montessori School, Opebi, French

Q2. What is your most memorable and most saddest teaching moment?
A2. Most memorable – The day I was called into the principal’s office (in my former school, Greensprings School). She said, “So you’re the one?” I honestly thought I had done something wrong. She gave me her phone to read a text message that was sent by a parent to the Director/Owner of the school, which was forwarded to her. After reading the message, I smiled and she said, “I’ve been hearing about the cool stuff you’re doing and this also confirms it, keep at it!” Trust me it was like I won a lottery.

Saddest- The day I resigned my appointment with my former school because it was within the six years I spent there that I found my calling.

Q3. What were your best and worst subjects as a young student?
A3. Best subject- English
    Worst subject- MATHEMATICS!!!

Q4. If you were not teaching, what do you think you would have been doing?
A4.  I would be a Customer Service/ Public Relations Manager. I love looking out for people and ensuring their experiences are memorable and delightful.

A5. Why do you teach? What inspires you….tell us your ‘TEACHSPIRATION’?
Q5. Knowing that I can help students in my care be the best they can be, intellectually, socially, mentally and emotionally. I know that there’s a lot more to students than their grades and their full potential can be released if they get adequate support and encouragement from their parents, teachers and caregivers. Creating connections is much more important to me than covering curriculum content.

Q6. If you had the wheels to redefine teaching profession, what will you do?
A6. Very interesting question. Recently, I launched a network called African Teachers’ Voice and our catchphrase is ‘Redefining teaching and learning’. The intent is to bring public and private sector stakeholders together to deliberate on issues affecting the African educational sector and proffer sustainable solutions.

Q7. What does Education mean to you?
A7. Education in my opinion is the ABCD of an individual. The ATTITUDINAL BEHAVIOURAL and COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT of an individual young or old. Simply put, your certificates and degrees have no real value if your character and values are questionable. It has to be a complete package.

Q8. Tell us abut one of your favourite books and why.
A8. Books! Books!! Books!!!
Allow me pick three please.

a) LIFE- Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
The 10,000 hour rule which encourages you to keep at whatever you are doing; with help and encouragement from those around you and you will end up a genius.

b) SPIRITUAL- Me and my big mouth by Joyce Meyer
Speak God’s positive words over your life, obey Him and watch Him transform your life.

c) EDUCATIONAL- Educating hearts and minds by Jonathan Cohen
Schooling is much more than grades and every teacher has a part to play in the development of well rounded students if indeed we want peaceful and habitable societies.

Q9. What is that one thing you’d like parents to know about teachers and teaching in general? 
9) Teachers are partners in raising children, so they need as much support from parents as they can get, if parents don’t want to end up homeschooling their children…lol.

We love her! Special thanks to Temitope :) for stopping by! See more pictures of her.





I heart teachers!



Find out more about her on Instagram

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