Twitter for Teachers….yes tweech me too!
Three truths.
Truth is many Nigerian teachers speak of training as though it must always come at a cost.
The other truth is most Nigerian teachers speak of professional development as though it must be done by the schools we work for and not ourselves.
Third truth is many Nigerian teachers think conducting training sessions are the exclusive reserve of a special set of educators (who by the way are people just like you); as though those are the only kinds of people who can share their expertise.
What then is the use of all the ‘spectacular’ work you do in your classroom? If you do them.
All lies.
I continue to ‘tweech’ myself over the years on Twitter such that I can conveniently write a book from it.
Why you should be on Twitter.
Over the years, I discovered and have had a tremendous amount of continuous professional development experiences via Twitter.
Regularly, I participate in different educational chats with educators around the world.
I follow hashtags relevant to my areas of interest including #edchat, #edtech, #blendlearning, #mathed, #edtechchat, and #inclusiveeducation, #specialeducation, #greeneducation, etc.
Create your unique hashtag that speaks to your work or passion in education and search.
You have so much learning to enjoy freely on Twitter. No training can be greater than connecting with the best practices from amazing educators around the globe yourself.
Yes, you’ll get trained….it is very important BUT the ones you seek and earn by self go a long way in transforming your dynamics.
Take half an hour to go exploring. Trust me, you’ll not only be hooked, but cooked!?
Study this flyer below.
Aha! Any more excuses?
Getting started.
Of course, you should follow every Nigerian teacher on Twitter. It is my honest opinion that any Nigerian teacher ‘actively’ on Twitter is special…you could prove me wrong. My Twitter handle is @learningcraftNG
More importantly do this. Follow these amazing educators on Twitter. Got this from
Got this from (Read this post. Amazing article and the website is full of great material)
Some Nigerian teachers using Twitter actively amongst many others are:
Indianavon Patience – @dangaru34
Teacher Lola – @teacherlola
Ayoade Enitan – @educhildes
Adelola Edema – @adelolaonautism
Moyo – @thelifematics
Temitope Ogunniyi – @emeraldedgeedu
…….and we still have not engaged as we should. Please add those you know to the list. Criteria – they must be active Twitter users.