Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to The Learning Craft Readers!

I have been away for quite some time…..very odd for a blogger but it was for very special reasons, many of which you will all be privy to know as they develop. My absence was very much needed for the blog. Well, I’m back now and yes…it is the time of the year when we all sit back, evaluate our year and make resolutions we hope to stand by! It is also the time when we gather as a family and give love. Children love this season not only because of the gifts received but also because of the love and warmth of family time it comes with. However, don’t forget to leave that gift under the Christmas tree now….(smile)! 

2012 has been a year of interesting events for education in Nigeria, many of which we laughed, cried and hoped for change! It was the birth year of the blog and the birth of beautiful dreams to come true in 2013. I’m looking forward to a better year for education in Nigeria! I promise to champion the causes closest to my heart and keep holding on to the dream that we can practice the minimum standards of education in its totality in Nigeria to the grassroots.

So, with a grateful and thankful heart, I wish all Learning Craft readers the merriest of ‘Christmases’ and a budding/fruitful year ahead. To all my followers, contributors and readers, I specially say thank you. It is because we believe in change collectively as Nigerians; that I am convinced that we will attain better results for education in Nigeria.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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