‘History’ has been removed as a subject from our secondary education curriculum. It implies that our children will grow up without understanding the various makings of their country and how her constituents evolved. They will be unable to appreciate the various cultures in their country because they have been denied formal access to information about their past. 

History serves us the opportunity to have a sound understanding of our past, understand how our current challenges occurred and gives the framework to invent solutions.

Do you remember the stories of the Kanem Borno Empire, the Oyo Empire, Nupe Kingdom, Oba Ovonramwen, King Jaja of Opobo, Queen Amina of Zaria, the Aba Women’s Riot or the Republican Igbo societies? I certainly do! 

Are our secondary school children appreciative of these past kingdoms and history? These are good stories to learn from. Don’t you think that a people who do not ‘know’ their history are bound to repeat some of its mistakes?

How was it then possible for such an important subject to be removed in the secondary education curriculum? Did our society suddenly drop into Earth – no past?

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  1. Whattttt??? This is the first I am hearing of this. It wasn’t a compoulsory subject, but it was an option while I was in school. This is a shame. What is the reason for this development?

  2. Is this for real ? What is the reason or motive behind the removal of History as a subject. Is there a Nation without a history ? Or a people without a past ?

  3. History is Very important cos it serves as a reminder of our roots. It helps to avoid repeating past mistakes especially in goverment. Those who experienced the Civil War in Nigeria will not call for war. Those who were once VERY wealthy but have nothing today WILL never forget wat they passed. thru. If just dis can be documented it may solve some of Nigeria’s problem. The Bible says “My people perish because they lack wisdom”. History is about the past. It should be taught in all Schools. Primary and secondary school if Nigeria really wants to move forward. we cant forget our past.

  4. I think that History shld b included from pry sch in fact some facts could b introduced in fun ways in2 the nursery schl scheme through songs, short stories, etc

  5. ahh! ovoranwen nogbaisi!!!, can this be true?i so enjoyed all of these in my days.this is a big punishment on our children and an attempt to abolish the values of our culture and an intention to loose our children as regards taking up the demerits of those culture and finding corrective measures to them.

    parents pls HELP!!!!

    Go to ur children schools,discuss this painful issues wt the school in the PTA meetings.this cannot happen to our children.not in this dispensation of technology outbreak.we cannot afford to loose our children to their twitting,fbking,whatsupingetc and forget to imbibe the necessity of the knowledge of their culture in them.I AM BITTER.

    pls take this up and lets talk more about this.

    LC take up this mantle and visit schools.we need the listening and hearing of the Ministers fo Education and their cohort as well.

    LETS GO…….WE CAN MAKE A CHANGE.thanks to this blog

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