Covenant University expels about 126 students for not attending a church service – a case of a punishment too severe?

I can’t help but blog about this because it brings a lot of deep concerns home to me. I have a colleague whose child was suspended for a session from  the same school for dressing ‘inappropriately’ even though she was found all covered up with a scarf.

Schools are often within their rights to punish students who refuse to conform to the school’s code of conduct which may include dress codes, spiritual commitments, banned food and items etc- Some student’s may expectantly find some status quo more difficult to keep.

However, expulsion as a means of punishment has always come across a bit too extreme to me except in rare cases. It is the hallmark of a school to educate and give a hopeful future. I find that most of the motives behind these punishments are met to the contrary, doing more harm than good generally. There are too many questions to be asked. The desire to learn tends to be doused as an aftermath of explosion. So consider this;
  • Was the so called ‘grievous’ offence warranting of the psychological and emotional harm to students and what image does it leave of the institution? 
  • Is this the best measure to embark on in molding the student towards developing a responsible yet confident behavior-does it make them conform?
  • If the student was caught in a wrongful act, expulsion may adversely change the course of the student’s life suddenly. Will it not will surely bring additional pain, fear and worry for the future?
I sincerely think that many of reasons students get expelled from school are not worth an expulsion…..especially for “not attending” a church service!

I am aware that the students in a school such as the Covenant University are aware of the rules that must be followed. I’m only wondering if the ‘Deity’ whom is to be served wouldn’t have reacted differently in the face of such a situation. After all, it has been asked…. “Let the one who has committed no sin cast the first stone!” 

I rest my case!

Read full reasons for expulsion here.

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